


Line up:NYX (feu Nina Nana) - djset¥€$SI PERSE- djsetMessalina Mescalina - perfBORA - liveCountess Malaise - liveSporty Spice (WIXAPOLONIA) - djsetJamira Estrada - djset entry-price by your choice and possibilities: 10 / 15 / 20 chf acess with COVID-certificate only!  JAMIRA ESTRADA (djset):Jamira Estrada is a musician and dj with mexican and italian heritage based in Zurich. Curating her own events at the off-space Cuadro22 in Chur from a very early age on, her selection for the dance floor still embodies vividly the search for an invigorating collective stasis. Currently enrolled in her electroacoustic composition studies, she is examining and questioning processes based on the inventive possibilities of sonic effects. Deeply inspired by mythical fantasy worlds and organic organisms, as they cope with existential themes such as love and the struggle for survival, she resolves her work around inclusive spaces.This brought her to work on a wide spectrum of projects, such as giving DJ-workshops, creating a diverse skill-oriented plattform for femme, intersex and non-binary individuals through different collectives and collaboratively creating performances. NYX (djset):
NYX is a night… mare! Nyx is an apocalipcis now! Formally known as Nina Nana, the *teacher, DJx, performer, and event planner* have co-founded and co-directed the legendary GENEVEGAS parties in Geneva. Nyx got fired from Geneva’s public education because of their queer performances; they’ve been fighting the  power since then. Witchx Bitchx, their sets are as fluid as the DJx themself. They play all kinds of good music, but they have a soft spot for trance and hardcore.

Messalina Mescalina escapes from the real housewives thanks to her strange dead passing. She eats phalluses with consent and spits her pain on cis beauties since she was vaccinated. Sometimes Kate Mossanto, sometimes Catering Deneuve, there is no TW when she’s coming.

YESSI PERSE (djset):
¥€$Si PERSE (b. 2015, Internet)
Multidimensional artists and Quantum DJs based in Barcelona, Spain. IP: 
Cofounders of @neurodungeon.

YESSi PERSE is a hyperstitional interface that allows their wearers to enter into alternative narratives. A Fiction Suit. This parapersona is a continuous-under-construction Avatar, an otherkin/cyborg creature manifesting in an RPG (Role Play Game) character -a radical mutant xenofaery- lost in the NeuroDungeon of an €conomystical Cybermedieval system, where elements of Science Fiction collapse with Urban Fantasy.
The current work of YESSi revolves around the mutation of institutional artistic performance with memetic variations that come from popular performative formalisations such as party contexts (using the DJ Set as format), Cosplay/LARP (Live action role-playing game), Online Communities and Virtual Worlds.
“Find Your Inner $€£₣I€,
Say ¥€$Si to YOUR$€£₣”

BORA (live):
BORA’s (aka Pauline Canavesio) emotional cathedral is multi-dimensional, magic, it is not afraid of all that it can be, of all the forms that it can embody nor of all the voices that it can take. Her work is sprawling, drawing inspiration from a multitude of references and mediums: music, performance, painting, digital, video, sculpture and installation. As long as it is questioning body, identity and intimacy. 
In the flesh there are no more bones, persists only the imprint: that of the skin, its marks, its inscribed scars and its invisible pain. 

Countess Malaise (live):
Countess Malaise is a  rapper, songwriter and visual artist.

With an established presence in Iceland’s underground rap scene, Countess Malaise’s high-energy performances have already gotten her the pleasure of performing at music festivals like Sónar Reykjavík, and is a welcome addition to lineups at alternative venues across Europe. Her first EP titled Hystería was released  in fall of 2019 and received critical acclaim.
Malaise’s art touches upon subjects like rape culture, sexuality, love and depression. Fearless and enigmatic, Countess Malaise’s refusal to conform and her powerful live performances make this rising talent one to watch. She will be releasing her second EP Maldita 29th of October 2021. SPORTY SPICE (djset):SHE IS SPORTY SPICE THE ONLY ESTROGEN BEING IN INFAMOUS WIXAPOL CREW DESTROYER OF HARMONY LOVER OF TRANCE MUSIC ALWAYS 2 HARDCORE 4 U MRS WORLWIDE INTERNATIONAL FROM POLISH POMPECZKA TO JUNGLE HARDCORE.




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  • Wir empfehlen eine Wartezeit nach der 2. Impfung von 14 Tagen, weil vorher die Immunisierung nicht genügend ist. 
  • Kontaktlisten: Für Veranstaltungen, führen wir unsere eigene Kontaktliste. Diese wird genutzt, sollten wir von positiven Fällen an einem unserer Events Bescheid erhalten (Weitergabe an das Contact-Tracing nur nach offizieller Aufforderung. Die Daten werden 14 Tage nach der Veranstaltung gelöscht). Achtung: Menschen, welche nicht geimpft und nicht genesen sind, müssen im Fall von entdeckten Ansteckungen mit einer Quarantäne-Pflicht rechnen.
  • Für Menschen ohne Zugang zu Impfungen oder Tests (z.B. Sans-Papiers): Schreibt uns eine E-Mail an damit wir euch weiterhelfen können.

    Empfehlungen des Clubbüro:
    Wir möchten euch ans Herz legen, euch impfen zu lassen. Wir sind der Meinung, dass auf lange Sicht die Impfung das nachhaltigste Mittel ist, um diese Pandemie zu beenden. Der aktuelle Stand der Wissenschaft besagt, dass die Impfung nach zwei Wochen ein wirksames Mittel ist, um eine Ansteckung zu verhindern.

    Wenn sich jetzt genug Leute impfen lassen, können wir

  • unsere Mitmenschen schützen, die sich aus medizinischen Gründen nicht impfen lassen können (z.B. Autoimmunerkrankungen),
  • die Bildung neuer Mutationen verhindern,
  • einen weiteren Lockdown verhindern – niemert wött das!
  • Zusätzlich zur Impfung empfehlen wir allen, sich regelmässig testen zu lassen.

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