Neo-fascism on trial

Videoberichte zu Gerichts-Prozessen zur «Goldenen Morgenröte» in Griechenland


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Videos und Gespräch über den Gerichtsprozess der faschistischen Partei "Goldene Morgenröte" in Griechenland.



Ypopto Mousi, Journalist bei omniatv.

Antonia von der Behrens, Rechtsanwältin der Angehörigen der Opfer im NSU-Prozess.


Unübersehbar: Die weltweite Zunahme von faschistoiden Gruppen und Parteien. Was kann dagegen getan werden? Diese und resultierende Folgefragen möchten wir an Beispielen aus Griechenland am Fall Goldene Morgenröte - Χρυσή Αυγή = Chrysi Avgi; engl. Golden Dawn (GD) diskutieren.


GD ist eine faschistische Organisation, die mit knapp 7% der Wahlstimmen im griechischen Parlament sitzt. Führende GD-Mitglieder stehen seit 2015 vor Gericht, angeklagt des Mordes am Rapper Pavlos Fyssas. Der Prozess, von der Mainstream-Presse ignoriert, wird von der Golden Dawn Watch Initiative des Internet-Mediums omnia-tv genau überwacht mit dem Ziel, alle Informationen über die GD öffentlich zu machen, denn nur eine informierte und sensibilisierte Öffentlichkeit kann Widerstand gegen Rassismus leisten.


Wir beleuchten diese Aspekte gemeinsam mit Ypopto Mousi, Journalist bei omniatv, Produzent und Moderator des wöchentlichen Videoberichts über den Golden Dawn-Prozess und der Rechtsanwältin Antonia von der Behrens.


Videos auf Griechisch mit englichen UT.

Gespräch auf Englisch.


In Zusammenarbeit mit Antithesis Zürich





Videos and discussion about the trial of "Golden Dawn" in Greece.

Invited speakers:
- Ypopto Mousi, journalist of omniatv and producer of the weekly summary of the trial of Golden Dawn.
- Antonia von der Behrens, Lawyer of the victim's relatives in the NSU trial


In recent years, we witness the rise of fascism in Europe as well as globally. Its ideology is expressed explicitly by fascists groups and neo-nazi parties, and implicitly through law enforcement practices, the implementation of policies that target the oppressed, and by the increasing appeal of racist and xenophobic ideas to large parts of the population. Knowing from history where the spread of fascism can lead to, it is our duty to fight it now. Information is really important. What is fascism? How are fascist groups organized and what are their links with law enforcement and in general with the state? How is fascist ideology expressed in state policies and who is targeted by them? And secondly, organization is necessary. Who is fighting fascism and how? These are some of the questions that we would like to discuss taking examples from Europe and particularly from Greece and the case of Golden Dawn.

Golden Dawn (GD) is an ultranationalist, fascist organization with 7% of the vote in the Greek parliament. Leading members of GD are on trial since April 2015 for the murder of the anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas on September 17, 2013. The trial which receives limited coverage by mainstream media, is monitored closely by the initiative Golden Dawn Watch. Driven by the belief that only a well-informed and sensitized public can develop a strong resistance against the spread of racism, fascism and Neo-Nazism, and ultimately against fear, the initiative's aim is to make public all information concerning GD's actions and illuminate all aspects of the trial.

Talk and discussion language: English
Videos: Greek
Subtitles: English

In collaboration with Antithesis Zurich



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